Wednesday, July 21, 2010

How to Manage Your Time When You Work at Home?

People who knows what I am doing often ask "How do you manage your time?"

How do I do it? Put it simply, I try to be as flexible as I can with timing for myself as my schedule is fixed by myself.

A typical day will start at 7-ish for me. Wake Ethyl at about 8.15am, prepare her for school.

We need to leave the house latest by 9am.

I will then come back home, grab my breakfast and start to check some emails or do simple things with Brayden while waiting to pick Ethyl up. I try not to do work in the mornings so that I can spend some quality time with Brayden alone.

Time's up to leave home and pick up the girl!

Before the change of schedule, Tuesdays are mad-rush days for me.

I will rush home, prepare Ethyl's bento, send it to school for her and wait for her to end her class in 2 hrs time. I usually check emails, or do my readings at the fast food joints or run some errands during these 2 hours.

Noon time, I will let Ethyl have a break, she plays while Brayden takes his noon naps. At about 3.30pm, she will take out her assessment books and do it herself with me guiding her along.

Time is really well spent. However, such arrangement leave me with limited time to settle my work.

What I usually do is, spend time doing it at night, like now. This isn't too tough, I have learnt to let Hubby take charge of the kids in the evenings so that I can focus on my work. I really enjoy what I am doing now.

Oh yes, the iPhone has definitely made my work easier! I reply simple emails while travelling!

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