Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Busy weeks

Busy is an understatement in the current activities I am working on.

However, things are progressing really well, and I am glad things are moving on the right track. Website is delayed due to some reasons and we are just wanting to present "perfect site" for our customers. So, a little wait is inevitable. Having said that, we are also glad that we have fixed a date for the launch. So, watch this space!

Next is to discuss exclusivity with our principals. I am really glad the enquiries are coming to me. Seems like the little dream both me and my sis are bearing may happen next year!

Juggling multiple roles ain's easy feat, nonetheless, I am enjoying!

Next I want to do is to ensure I pass my driving test and save some time on chauffering the kids to school!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Don't Get Too Excited

This serves as a daily reminder to myself.

I was overwhelmed when we were awarded with a chance for expansion for the business, we overlooked certain important factors at that moment.

When I sat down, think over it with a calm and peaceful mind, i came up with a checklists on whatever possible questions that I may have towards that opportunity.

"We are not ready!"

This came to my mind at that instance. I knew, even my partner is aware and we discussed over this opportunity seriously and decided to hold back our decision.

Whenever we are excited and hyped about something, we will overlook certain risks. I am thankful that we did not act on impulse as there are also calculated risks involved in this whole process. We need to work on this very carefully especially when the original "baby" is not even officially born!

We are mindful about each step we take. Remember, always sit down with a paper and pen, write down whatever questions that runs over your mind, jot them down and re-visit the next day with a fresh mind and make a best decision for yourself and the business.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Maximizing Time

Smart phone is a very essential device for me.

Ferrying the kid to and fro her classes and lessons, I would steal some time to check and reply urgent emails. At times, I will also check on the websites, do my research all on the phone, with a notebook to jot down all information I need.

Indeed it can be pretty tedious and stressful at times, however I have learnt to take things easier. Not-so-urgent emails, I will reply at home. Anything that needs discussions, I will KIV and discuss with my partner, and conclude on a decision before I reply.

Yes, I am a more impatient and impulsive person especially when it comes to doing my own business as it all seems so exciting! Having said that, in order to make the right decisions, I need to give myself about 3 days to think over the major issues and set a checklist to ask myself the pros and cons of doing certain things before coming to a business decision.

Juggling between family and business is a challenge. I need to learn to relax my state of mind whenever information comes to me. By doing this, it actually helps me to see a clearer picture and in a better position to make a wiser decision for the business.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

We Challenge Each Other

That is the role for us sisters when we work together.

We were overwhelmed that we have so much more to look forward to when there are new possiblities involved. However, when we sat down quietly and think over...we decided to pace ourselves at a pace we both are more comfortable with. Yes, no risk, no gain.

We now have a few things to look into, the main is capital.

Relistically speaking, this is the "heart"for the business as we need to pump in money consistently in order to get involved in a bigger scale project.

We are gald our suppliers are also making adjustments for us, as they fully understand we are a smaller set up compared to big companies. Resources scarcity has always been an issue for us.

Now that I have a partner, we always challenge one another to get things settled. We are more on track now, shipping all settled by Anna, I settle all the others like order forecast and sourcing.

It is really great fun to work on something I really enjoy! Though the returns is really small now, as it is a start, I hope we can do well!